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Don't Look Yet!

Well I should be in bed, I have a doctor's appointment in a few hours, but I REALLY want to get a bit more done on the new sim on the Reaction Grid. AND I have a TON to do in Second Life. So much to get done, and so very little time. I keep making lists mentally of what is the most important. And so many things seem to top the list!

Before it was the hunt, it still is, I haven't gotten the new gift for it.

Then another top of the list item is repackaging and making sure I have EVERYTHING I have already made up for sale in the SL sim.

Also is getting the sim in RG to look less like a mess and more like an actual place. I was trying to upload a ton of things, even have two little temporary shops, mainly because I was transfering some of the sculpties and textures, but also because I will need one, eventually. And so now it looks like someone threw up a bunch of trees and plants. No real look or feel for it. Even the land isn't quite what I want. I did get it done in the tulip-like look that I wanted, but the hills aren't quite how I want them. So don't worry about checking out the grid in RG. I'll post the link here when I get it settled more.

Now off to get a couple things done. VERY few, as I have GOT to get to sleep in 10 minutes. Wish me luck!


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